Wholesale Fulvic Acid Supplier

Premium Quality Fulvic Acid Supplier

Fulvic Xcell is a wholesale manufacturer and supplier of fulvic and humic acid products for human health and agricultural purposes. We offer bulk sales of food-grade and agricultural fulvic and humic acids in powder and liquid form, custom blended products, and toll manufacturing of fulvic and humic acid supplements in individual stick packaging.

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Our Products and Services

Why FulvicXcell?

Guaranteed Purity

Fulvic and humic acid products tend to be manufactured to low standards and may contain little active ingredient. We're committed to the highest testing standards laid out by the Humic Products Trade Association. When you buy from FulvicXcell, you're getting a pure and effective product.

Exceptional Service

FulvicXcell is locally owned and operated in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. We locally manufacture our fulvic and humic acids to the highest standards. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales team will be happy to discuss any of our products and services with you!